Big Sur International Marathon – 2024 – Amateur Radio Volunteers Wanted!

BSIM Volunteer

Event: Big Sur International Marathon
Area of operation: Big Sur, Ca to Carmel, Ca
Event Date: 4-28-2024
Race Start Time: 0645hrs (Approximate)
Race End Time: 1230hrs (Approximate)
Volunteer Start Time at Position: 0500hrs (Approximate)

Positions Volunteers Staff: Mile/Aid Stations , SAG & Other positions as requested by the BSIM.
(Positions Assigned by Event Coordinator)

What do the positions’ duties encompass:

SAG: Five Sag operators will ride co-pilot with a driver and vehicle provided by the Marathon that travels the course picking up runners that can not finish the race for various reasons. Runners picked up by a SAG are dropped off at various drop points along the course. SAG operators and SAG drivers will work together to navigate the course to pick up runners, pickup assignments are dispatched out by Net Control. Sag operators do not drive the vehicle, the SAG will come with a driver.

Mile / Aid Station: Operators are placed at one of 13 or 14 different Mile / Aid Stations where they will be responsible for reporting any kind of race traffic that needs to make its way back to Net Control. Such information could be major medicals, minor injuries, runner pickups, rogue vehicles on the course or any other vital info that may need to get passed back to Net Control or another Mile / Aid position or SAG vehicle.

Equipment Requirements:

SAG: Operators should bring a mobile radio (dual band) with an accompanying magnetic-mount antenna and cigarette lighter plug. Operators should also bring a portable radio with good batteries to use as a backup radio or when you’re out of the SAG vehicle. In the event you should have to operate off of a portable radio in vehicle please bring an adapter cable to connect the mobile radio magnetic-mount antenna to your portable.

Mile / Aid Stations: Operators can operate mostly off portable radios (there are a few spots that portable do not work or have bad coverage, but a mobile/base radio is also encouraged if available. Mile/Aid station operators will be able to drive to their location on course and park their vehicle at the location. Portable radios should have good batteries that can last long enough for the duration of the event, bringing a spare charged battery is always encouraged.

Volunteer Goodies:
Every year the BSIM provides each volunteer with a commemorative t-shirt in your size of choice. The shirt is distributed upon your check in either the day before or the morning of the race. In addition to the t-shirt the Marathon also provides a free volunteer BBQ lunch after the event! In years past there’s always plenty of BBQ Tri Tip and chicken and with all the fixins!

We look forward to having you volunteer with the Salinas Valley Repeater Group in this years support of the Big Sur International Marathon! If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Jeff KG6UYZ, at the email posted above with your questions or requests for signup forms.

Updated: April 22, 2024 — 06:26